Meyer Intelligence Services

Wahrheit · Loyalität · Geheimaltung

Our Services

Our multidisciplinary team is available to serve the needs of you and your colleagues. We work with you to tailor a bespoke solution to your intelligence needs.

Artificial Intelligence
We use advanced and proprietary AI and Machine Learning tools to provide our clients with comprehensive insights.
Red Team Threat Engagement
We use Red Team active threat engagement to expose your organization’s physical, process, and human vulnerabilities.
Threat and Risk Intelligence
Our in house experts and global network can help you prepare for and react when global risks impact your business.
Specialized Research
Our specialized research teams will create a custom engagement with you to discover, identify, and analyze threats to your organization.

Why Choose Us?

Operating on a foundation of meticulous scrutiny, Meyer Intelligence Services experts collate a variety of data inputs utilizing proven methods. They leverage both accessible public intelligence (OSINT) and region-specific human-sourced intelligence (HUMINT), supplemented with inputs from well-connected, typically non-credited informants. This examination aims to unearth unseen trends within the collated data, thereby prompting the generation of theoretical propositions. These propositions are subsequently put to the test through additional cycles of data acquisition and investigation. This bottom-up method of analysis is designed to discard any pre-existing notions, operating on a blank slate principle. Our investigative strategy begins with the raw data, methodically avoids cognitive bias, and is capable of recognizing both anomalies and regularities.

Contact Us

At Meyer Intelligence Services, we're always ready to assist you and answer any queries you might have. If you're seeking innovative, data-driven intelligence solutions, wish to discuss a particular need, or simply want to learn more about our methodologies and services, don't hesitate to reach out. Please fill out the form on this page, or if you prefer, you can directly email us at We value your time and aim to respond to all inquiries within 24 hours. Thank you for considering Meyer Intelligence Services as your partner in the world of strategic intelligence. We look forward to the opportunity to serve you.
